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Last updated: October 18th, 2024

Definitions on this page:

Entrant / Entrants = Anyone participating in the TAKE48 Challenge.

Entry / Entries = The film / video created and submitted as part of the TAKE48 Challenge.

SUFF = Sydney Underground Film Festival​



By registering for the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge, Entrants confirm that they have read and understand the TAKE48 Challenge Rules and TAKE48 Challenge Terms & Conditions (as detailed on this page), and agree to abide by them throughout their involvement with the challenge.​​​​​​​







​All Entrants must be over 18 years of age.



Maximum team size is 10 people​​​

  • Actors do not count towards this total​



All Entrants are required to have registered and paid their registration fee. 

  • Actors do not have to register or pay the registration fee


See the event page for more details on registration & fees.


Public Liability Insurance​

There is no public liability insurance included in the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge registration fee. Some public locations may require public liability insurance for granting filming permissions and Entrants will need to deal with them on a case by case basis. If you're planning on doing anything that involves a lot of vehicles, generators, big rigs, lighting, high voltage or anything that could be hazardous - you should consider insurance. Filming, wherever undertaken, is entirely at the Entrants own risk.​



Entrants must include every theme element for the given year in their Entry, as they are described. The theme is revealed as the challenge begins.


Check your registration email, or the event page, for more details on the theme and where it will be announced once the challenge begins.



All Entries must have a run-time no longer than 3 minutes, including titles and credits.​​



All costs associated with the production of the Entry are solely the responsibility of the Entrant.​



All entries must contain footage / photos created within the official challenge period. 


Those who wish to leverage supporting footage (footage / photos created outside of the offical challenge period, including stock footage / photos, elements, effects, titles) may do so under the following restrictions:


  • Supporting footage MAY NOT exceed more than 5% of the total film run-time.
    For example, if your film run-time is 3 minutes, the maximum amount of supporting footage you can use is 9 seconds.

  • Supporting Footage MAY NOT include people or other performers, unless it was shot during a previous TAKE48 Challenge for a previously submitted TAKE48 film.


Entrants must have full rights to ALL footage or photos used in their entry.


See FILM RIGHTS section below (TAKE48 Challenge Terms & Conditions J) for more details regarding film rights.



​All Entries must be submitted before the advertised deadline of the given years challenge. Check your registration email, or the event page, for more details on the submission deadline.


Full submission details, including a back-up method in case of internet issues, are shared after registration via the Filmmakers' Hub. Check your registration email for a link.



​Entrants must have the rights to all material that appears in their Entry. Release forms must be signed for all actors, locations, music, stills or stock footage and anything else where permission is needed for use in the Entry.​​


Entrants do not need to submit their release forms upon submission, however, they will be required to check a box confirming that they have all the necessary release forms for their Entry. If this is not done, the Entry will not be accepted.


Click here to download the TAKE48 Appearance, Music and Location Release Form for use by Entrants if required (Or Entrants can use their own release forms).



Entrants should not distribute their Entry in any way prior to the official TAKE48 Cinema Screening, other than sharing it with those who were involved in its creation.


Entrants are encouraged to make a trailer (30 seconds maximum) and distribute that instead.


If the Entry is not selected for the TAKE48 Cinema Screening, Entrants are not required to follow this pre-screening distribution rule. See SCREENING SELECTION section below (TAKE48 Challenge Terms & Conditions D) for more details regarding screening selection process.







For screening, all qualifying Entries are compiled together into a single screening package (16:9, 24 fps, stereo). Therefore, in order to ensure a smooth and seamless playback, we recommended all Entries follow the below file specifications as closely as possible:



  • Framerate: 24 or 25fps

  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (Different aspect ratios are fine, they'll just be letterboxed for screening)

  • Codec: h.264 (preferred), or Quicktime (ProRes 422)

  • Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0 (Square Pixels)

  • Field Order: Progressive


Video note: If your film is very dark, it may be difficult to see in some theatres. Screening specs vary from theatre to theatre and are beyond the control of TAKE48.



  • Codec: AAC

  • Sample Rate: 48kHz

  • Bitrate: 192 kb/s


Audio levels note: We recommend that sound levels are mixed relatively even throughout your film. If your film has uneven sound or sound that peaks, it may be modified to suit screening requirements.


Entries that do not follow these specifications may be modified in order to suit screening requirements, and in turn playback may be affected.  



Entries containing explicit and/or offensive content are permitted within reason, subject to the following terms:

i. It is legal.

ii. All participating parties have provided written consent to the Entrant(s).

iii. It exists in a way that adds to the narrative of the film, and not just for the sake of being explicit and/or offensive.


There is a chance we may put a warning on any films with themes that might trigger someone in the audience, for example films that deal with mental illness, suicide, sexual assault, rape etc. We don't discourage exploring serious topics but please handle any sensitive themes with care.


TAKE48 reserves the right to make the final determination, in it's absolute discretion, to disqualify any Entries that are deemed to be excessively explicit, or that contain offensive content directed at specific individuals or groups.


If you wish to include explicit and/or offensive content in your Entry, it is recommended you contact the TAKE48 team prior to doing so, to discuss whether the content you wish to include will be permitted. â€‹



Entrants may use AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the creation of their film, subject to the following terms:

i. Entrants may only use AI in ways that are legal in their jurisdiction.

ii. Entrants may not use AI to create any part of their entry prior to the official challenge start time.

iii. Entrants must have the rights to all work created with AI. In other words, any AI generated material that uses copyrighted material for which the Entrant does not have a release is not permitted.

iv. Any footage created using AI is subject to both: Copyright and Intellectual Property terms (TAKE48 Challenge Terms & Conditions I) and Rules regarding footage (TAKE48 Challenge Rule G).


A note regarding Generative AI

Generative AI is artificial intelligence that is able to create new text, images, video, audio, or other data. It does so by learning patterns from data sets that are input into it to train it. Things like ChatGPT and Midjourney are examples that are pretty well-known.


The big problem with generative AI is that the content used in the data sets that is used to train generative AI models may not be cleared for use. There is currently a lot of legal action happening as media companies and content producers file lawsuits against generative AI companies. Many of the lawsuits involve alleged copyright infringement - in short, the complaints claim that AI companies illegally train various large language models on copyrighted content without permission.


​Because there is such a grey area around the copyright situation with material used to train generative AI, TAKE48 can’t accept the use of generative AI in any Entries unless the Entrant can prove it was trained on cleared data.



Whilst the TAKE48 team is committed to expanding our screening resources as the challenge grows, due to limitations of cinema screenings, we cannot guarantee that all Entries submitted as part of TAKE48 will be included in the cinema screening.


Screening selection process

Our goal has always been to screen all Entries made as part of TAKE48, so that filmmakers can celebrate their achievement with the TAKE48 community, and their family and friends. However, as mentioned above, that is not always possible. Should we be unable to screen everything, Entries will be selected based of their scores from the judging criteria. Entries that aren't selected for screening are not eligible for any refunds.


See "JUDGING” section (TAKE48 Challenge Terms & Conditions E) for further details on the judging criteria.



All eligible TAKE48 Entries are scored off a set criteria, which covers:

  1. Innovative & creative use of the all the theme items (30%)

  2. Narrative & character elements (30%)

  3. Production elements (20%)

  4. Post-Production elements (20%)


Judging Process 

  1. TAKE48 and SUFF, in their absolute discretion, narrow the entries down to the top 20.

  2. The top 20 entries are then scored by our panel of judges.

  3. Prizes are awarded based off the scores received from the judges.



If an entrant wishes to withdraw and transfer their registration to someone else, they can do so by emailing and requesting a registration transfer.



If an Entrant wishes to withdraw entirely, registration refunds are available under the following terms:


More than 30 days prior to competition start

  • Notify the TAKE48 team more than 30 days prior to the competition start to receive a full refund, minus a 15% administrative fee.


Less than 30 days prior to competition start

  • No refunds are available less than 30 days prior to competition start.


Entries that aren't selected for screening are not eligible for any refunds.

Disqualified Entries are not eligible for any refunds. (See TAKE48 Terms & Conditions L for more details).


Event Cancellation Refund

TAKE48 will offer a full refund of the registration fee to Entrants in the event of cancellation of the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge. TAKE48 will only be liable for the refund of full costs of registration and no other expenses incurred by Entrants.



All Entries created for the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge remain the property of the Entrant(s) who created it. After the TAKE48 Cinema Screening, Entrants are free to do with their film as they please (See TAKE48 Challenge Rule H for more info on pre-screening distribution rules).


However, Entrants grant TAKE48 and SUFF the rights, in perpetuity, to:​

i. Exhibit their Entry in any TAKE48 and/or SUFF related screenings.

ii. Use their Entry for any promotional purposes related to TAKE48 and/or SUFF.

iii. Share their Entry online across TAKE48 and/or SUFF channels.

In the above circumstances, Entrants are not eligible to claim payment / compensation for the use of their Entry.



All Entries must:

  • Be the original work of the Entrant

  • Not infringe any third-party's rights

  • Not contain defamatory statements about any person, company, organisation or entity

  • Not invade privacy or other rights of any person, company, organisation or entity

  • Not in any other way violate applicable laws and regulations

  • Not contain any copyrighted elements


Click here to read our Copyright F.A.Q.



By submitting an Entry into The TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge, each Entrant warrants and represents that the Entrant owns all rights to the Entry they are entering in this Challenge, including, without limitation, the video or digital recording, music, and the performance contained in each Entry. 


Each Entrant further warrants and represents that the Entrant has obtained the relevant release(s) or consents (as required under these Challenge Rules and Challenge Terms & Conditions), and will submit copies of such permissions to TAKE48 if requested.


By submitting an Entry, each Entrant agrees to the TAKE48 Challenge Rules and TAKE48 Challenge Terms & Conditions, and further agrees to indemnify and hold TAKE48, SUFF and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, agents, co-branders or other partners, and any of their employees (collectively, the Challenge Indemnitees), harmless from any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable legal fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against any of the Challenge Indemnitees due to or arising out of the Entrant's Entry materials in this Challenge, or the Entrant's conduct during and in connection with this Challenge, including but not limited to trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights, right of publicity, right of privacy or defamation.


Entrant's agree to release and indemnify TAKE48 and SUFF from all claims that any advertising, presentation, web content or any other material subsequently produced, presented, and/or prepared by or on behalf of TAKE48 or SUFF infringes on the rights of Entrant's work as contained in any Entry.



No liability or responsibility is assumed by TAKE48 and SUFF resulting from any Entrant's participation in or attempt to participate in the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge or ability or inability to upload or download any information in connection with participating in the Challenge.


No responsibility or liability is assumed by TAKE48 and SUFF for technical problems or technical malfunction arising in connection with any occurrences which may affect the operation of the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge, including:

  • Hardware or software errors

  • Wireless or internet connectivity or other online communication problems

  • Failure of any e-mail transmissions to be sent or received

  • Lost, late, delayed or intercepted e-mail transmissions

  • Inaccessibility of the Web Site in whole or in part for any reason

  • Traffic congestion on the Web Site

  • Any unauthorised intervention of the operation of the Challenge


TAKE48 and SUFF are not responsible for any typographical errors in the announcement of prizes, TAKE48 Challenge Rules, these Terms & Conditions, or any inaccurate or incorrect data contained on the Web Site or social media sites maintained TAKE48.


Use of this Site and the TAKE48 social media sites is at user's own risk. Click to see this Web Site's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.


TAKE48 and SUFF are not responsible for any personal injury or property damage or losses of any kind which may be sustained to Entrant's or any other person's equipment resulting from participation in the Challenge, use of this Web Site or the download of any information from the Web Site.


By participating in the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge, the Entrant agrees to release and indemnify TAKE48 and SUFF harmless from all claims, damages or liabilities arising from or relating to such Entrant's participation in the Challenge.



To be eligible for the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge, Entrants and Entries must follow all the TAKE48 Challenge Rules and these Terms & Conditions. Failing to do so may result in disqualification from the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge.


TAKE48 reserves the right to make the final determination, in it's absolute discretion, as to which Entries are eligible. TAKE48 reserves the right, in it's absolute discretion, to refuse to screen a film or to make an announcement at the screening regarding the content of the film.


Disqualified Entries are not eligible for any refunds.





The TAKE48 Challenge Rules and TAKE48 Challenge Terms & Conditions may be amended from time to time in order to reflect any changes in the way we operate the TAKE48 Filmmaking Challenge. When we amend these Challenge Rules and Challenge Terms & Conditions we will update the "Last updated" date at the top of this page. We recommend that our users periodically review our Challenge Rules and Challenge Terms & Conditions to ensure that they are notified of any updates. If necessary, we may notify users by email of changes to these Challenge Rules and Challenge Terms & Conditions.


If you have any questions, you can contact us via email at:

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